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The official website of SK

The gov.sk domain is official

This is the official website of the public authority of the Slovak Republic. Official websites mainly use the gov.sk domain. Links you can find individual websites of public authorities on this link

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  1. Home
  2. Criminal Register
  3. Contact and office hours

Contact and office hours


Criminal Register of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Slovak Republic


Criminal Register of the General Prosecutor’s

Office of the Slovak Republic

Kvetná 13

814 23 Bratislava


tel: +421 2/208 37 129


 office hours


7.30 - 12.00

13.00 - 15.00


7.30 - 12.00



7.30 - 12.00

13.00 - 16.00


7.30 - 12.00

13.00 - 15.00


7.30 - 12.00
