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  1. Home
  2. Slovak Prosecutor's Office
  3. General Prosecutor's Office of the Slovak Republic
  4. Biographies of leading representatives of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Slovak Republic

Biographies of leading representatives of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Slovak Republic

General Prosecutor of the Slovak Republic

 Dr. h. c. JUDr. Maroš Žilinka, PhD.

Professional Experience

10. 12. 2020

General Prosecutor of the Slovak Republic

2018 – 2020

Prosecutor – Head of the Economic Criminality Department of the Special Prosecution Office of the General Prosecutor´s Office of the Slovak Republic

2012 – 2017

Prosecutor – Deputy Head of the Economic Criminality Department of the Special Prosecution Office of the General Prosecutor´s Office of the Slovak Republic

2010 - 2012

State Secretary of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic

2005 - 2010

Prosecutor – Deputy Head of the Economic Criminality Department of the Special Prosecution Office of the General Prosecutor´s Office of the Slovak Republic 

2003 - 2005

Prosecutor of the Criminal Department of the General Prosecutor´s Office of the Slovak Republic

1997- 2003

Prosecutor of the District Prosecution Office Piešťany

1995 - 1996

Prosecutor of the District Prosecution Office Trnava

1993 – 1995

Legal trainee of the District Prosecution Office Trnava



Faculty of Law, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice



Russian, English

Date of birth



First Deputy of the Prosecutor General of the Sovak Republic

  JUDr. Jozef Kandera   


Professional Experience

september 2021

First Deputy of the General Prosecutor of the Slovak Republic

February 2021

Deputy of the General Prosecutor of the Slovak Republic

December 2020 - January 2021

Acting First Deputy of the General Prosecutor of the Slovak Republic

June 2020

Member of the Legislative Council of the Government of the Slovak Republic

December 2015

Head of the Department of Violent and General Crime of the Criminal Department of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Slovak Republic

January 2015

Prosecutor of the Crime Department of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Slovak Republic

November 2013 - 2014

Head of the Department of Supervision in Criminal Matters of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Slovak Republic

August 2013

Acting Director of the Special Purpose Department of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Slovak Republic

2010 - 2013

Prosecutor of the Special Purpose Department of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Slovak Republic

2005 - 2010

President of the Senate of the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic

2002 - 2005

Internship at the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic - General Director of the Criminal Law Section

1994 - 2002

Judge of the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic

1990 - 1994

Judge of the Municipal Court of Bratislava

1986 - 1989

Judge of the District Court Bratislava II

1984 - 1985

Judicial Trainee at the Municipal Court Bratislava


1980 – 1984

Faculty of Law, Comenius University in Bratislava

Date of birth



Deputy of the Prosecutor General of the Sovak Republic

 Mgr. Jozef Sedlák   


Professional Experience

October 2021

Deputy of the General Prosecutor of the Slovak Republic

July 2015 - October 2021

Regional Prosecutor's Office Trenčín, Chief Prosecutor - Deputy of the Regional Prosecutor in Trenčín

January 2015 - June 2015

Regional Prosecutor's Office Trenčín, temporary assignment to exercise the prosecutor post 

January 2005 - December 2014

Regional Prosecutor's Office Trnava, Prosecutor - Head of Non-Criminal Division

November 1999 - December 2004

District Prosecutor's Office Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Prosecutor

May 1997 - October 1999

Judicial Trainee of Regional Prosecutor's Office Trenčín, basic military service - Higher Military Prosecutor's Office Trenčín

September 1996 - April 1997

Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic, Section of Judicial Informatics, Independent Officer


1991 - 1996

Law Faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava

Date of birth

